Complaining About Successful/Rich People Is Un-Satanic

So lately I've been seeing some buzz on social media for the past week or two about Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk going to space. People are mad about this situation because they feel that these two individuals somehow have a responsibility to end some of the financial and societal problems that America has. A lot of you reading this will say I'm "defending billionaires" or some crap like that after you read this post. You can say whatever you want about me; I don't care. I don't even have a Master's Degree yet and I live a middle-class lifestyle. I could care less what rich people do with their personal lives. Personally, I don't like either of these clowns, especially Elon Musk; in fact, I can't wait till Musk fucks off to Texas. However, I'm going to say what I'm gonna say here. This kind of whining about rich people is extremely un-Satanic. I'll explain why in the best way I can. I feel like one of the main reasons people like to ...