Welcome to my Satanic, Infernal Blog

What's up, fellow Satanists and others who have found this blog somehow?

My name is Manny.  For now this is the name I’ll identify as. I’m a 30 year-old Satanist from the Bay Area in California.  I’ve wanted to find a platform where I can express my thoughts and feelings when it comes to the subject of Satanism, specifically LaVeyan Satanism, the one and only real Satanism as codified in 1966 on Walpurgisnacht by Anton Szandor LaVey.  Because of the current misconceptions about Satanism and due to the fact that certain family members of mine would give me so much trouble if they knew of my newly discovered identity, I could never talk about Satanism on my personal social media accounts.  For now, this blog will do.  I’ll eventually make this blog look more presentable and infernal.

I guess let’s start from the beginning.

My parents raised me as a Jehovah’s Witness starting around the age of three right up until the age of nineteen.  Well, mostly my mom did.  I think she roped my father into this mostly considering he almost left my mom for trying to get the entire family to join the Kingdom Hall.  I remember as early as age five is when I started to feel that something never felt right with these folks.  It wasn’t even so much as “this is boring, let’s go get me some Taco Bell and let me go back home so I can play video games.”  As I grew older and started thinking more, I realized I didn’t belong here.  I was different, the black sheep and many members of the Kingdom Hall knew this.  This religion, just like many others, was full of bullshit and it made you deny and be ashamed of what it meant to be a normal human being.  This is probably the closest experience I've had to a true cult.

I also thought about why a Christian God did the things he did while people still suffered.  Also, the Bible was full of hypocrisy and many holes.  How the heck did a senior citizen build a giant boat and got two of every animal on it?  And Kangaroos somehow hopped across the ocean to what is now Australia?

I became an atheist at age nineteen when I was walking out of my old high school.  I suddenly stopped walking, looked up at the sky for a few seconds, and said “there is no God, religions are bullshit.  I’m an atheist.”  Around this year I stopped going to Kingdom Hall since I started my very first job.

Fast forward to last year, September 2020, right before my 30th birthday that month.  I was scrolling through Facebook and found a post with two pictures: one of LaVey’s The Satanic Bible and a picture of a page of the Bible.  The page talked about how Satanists don’t condone molesting children, animals, and anyone who can’t or won’t give you consent to touch and pursue them.  I’ve heard of modern Satanists usually being the good guys in certain situations despite my long years of my mom trying to convince me there was a being called Satan who was supposedly the one responsible for every bad thing in the world.  But after seeing this Facebook post, my curiosity peaked.  A few days later I ordered a copy of The Satanic Bible from Amazon.

I took me a few days to read it since I couldn’t be seen reading The Satanic Bible.  As I went through these pages, I thought, “holy hell, wait a minute, this is exactly how I think!  This is how I already feel about Christianity and spiritual religions.  But it’s Satanism, but it’s still also atheism, and there’s ritual and magic.”  The philosophy didn’t teach me anything too new besides the ritual magic stuff.  I saw there’s a religion for people like me. Satanism was something that most people didn’t truly know about.

I still thought of myself as just an atheist but a few days later, I got myself a Sigil of Baphomet medallion to show that I supported the ideas of Satanism.

But as I wore this medallion weeks and months on and I read The Satanic Bible several more times and YouTubed videos on LaVeyan Satanism, I couldn’t deny it any longer.  The label of Atheism wasn’t enough for me anymore.  Anton LaVey said that true Satanists are born rather than made.  I couldn’t deny that since birth, I’ve been a Satanist.  It just took me finding The Satanic Bible to finally realize that.  I’ve now read almost everything LaVey has written as well as his biography and Magus Gilmore’s The Satanic Scriptures and other books on LaVeyan Satanism.

And that’s my story.  Welcome to my blog.  Don’t know if anyone will read this or even find this blog.  If anyone does, cool!  Welcome!

Keep in mind I’m currently not a member of the Church of Satan yet (I will be soon!) and in no way am I a representative of the Church.  I just needed a venue where I can talk about Satanism from my perspective.

For anyone interested, I am on Instragram.  Follow me @mannythesatanist

I may open up a Twitter account soon.

Hail Satan!

