55th Year Anniversary of the Church of Satan
55 years ago today, the Church of Satan was founded. Anton LaVey started the world’s first carnal religion and started a church in the name of Satan, thus shocking the world and bringing opposition to spiritual dogma.
The CoS has survived many things during these 5 and a half decades, like the Satanic Panic and the death of its founder. But a lot of good things have happened throughout this time. Individuals who felt they were outsiders in their society found a religion with people who thought just like them. They have used Satanism to be the very best versions of themselves possible.
People think that the CoS and its philosophy would die out after a matter of time and that it would dissipate. But this religion continues to get stronger each and every day. More Satanists will continue to come across The Satanic Bible and discover who they’ve been their whole lives. The people who have run the organization for decades continue to do what they do in service of the CoS and others will come to continue to do that job. Many Satanists still use LaVey’s philosophy to better their lives and to better the world in their own subtle ways.
7 months ago I discovered my Satanic identity, and my pride in it continues to stay aflame. Today my pride in being a Satanist grows even stronger knowing that the CoS continues to do the work that it does to keep Anton LaVey’s philosophy alive after 55 great years. I can’t wait till the time comes when I join this amazing organization.
Today also marks 20 years since Peter H. Gilmore took position as the High Priest of the Church of Satan. I am not alone when I say that he has done an excellent job keeping Anton LaVey’s work and legacy alive. Keep doing what you do, Magus Gilmore!
Happy Walpurgisnacht, my fellow Satanists!
Hail Church of Satan!
Hail Anton Szandor LaVey!
Hail Magus Gilmore!
Hail Satan!
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