Like a lot of Satanists, I read up on the rituals in The Satanic Bible and looked at videos of rituals done by other Satanists. I saw that many Satanists had awesome ritual chambers and rooms dedicated to conducting rituals.
But what happens if you can’t afford to build your own Satanic ritual chamber or if you’re in a situation where you can’t afford or hide certain kinds of large materials or lack a proper space for ritual? Well, there are ways that you can still have a Satanic ritual.
For those who can’t even get the materials or can’t seem to have the time or privacy to use materials for a Satanic ritual, no problem! Magus Gilmore states that “ don’t really need any of the suggested implements, since the most important tool for ritual is your own imagination” (p. 227). All you need to know are the lines and imagine that you are in a room with all the materials required for the ritual. Kids play pretend and use their imaginations all the time. It’s the same thing with ritual. Even I used nothing but my imagination when I needed to do a quickie ritual.
Now for those who still want to purchase materials and set up a basic altar for your ritual, there’s stuff you can get for a basic Satanic ritual altar.
According to The Satanic Bible, the materials needed are:
- Silver Chalice
- Black candles (and white for throwing curses)
- Bell
- Gong
- Sword
- Parchment
- Phallus (mainly for rituals with groups of people)
- Sigil of Baphomet Medallion or Traditional Pentagram necklace
- Black Robe
- Sigil of Baphomet wall plaque
(The Satanic Bible, pg. 134-140)
Now if you can't get all these things or can't get these exact things, I'm going to tell you what I've used for myself as well as alternatives to some of these materials.
For the chalice, if you can't get a silver one, you can use a cup made out of anything except gold. The Satanic Bible explains why you shouldn't use gold. But anyways, I bought this wooden one from Amazon. Remember you can also use whatever liquid you want for the chalice. I usually use Gatorade or soda myself.
Betan Hand-made Jujube Wooden Wine Goblet Drinking Cup 5oz
For the candles, I personally recommend using something that's in a candle holder so that nothing nearby catches on fire even though most people will be smart enough to keep their lit candles away from flammable objects. I use Yankee Candles since they actually have black ones available and they have white candles, too.
I use a Frideko brass gong for something basic. For private rituals where it's just yourself acting as the priest, it gets the job done. You can even find a good gong in your local Chinatown if you have one in your area.
Sword is easy. If you can't get a sword, any long knife will do the job, even just a basic long kitchen knife. I recently saw a clip of a CoS member who uses one of those Japanese throwing knives as his sword.
For the Bell, any brass bell can do the job you need, something that can be loud enough to summon people from the park or something as loud. Make sure you have something like a metal keychain or something to hit the bell for that loud noise at the beginning/end of your rituals.
Parchment just means paper. You can literally use any kind of paper. I myself use notepad paper for writing requests for burning in rituals.
I already explained that the phallus is mainly used for group rituals.
You can use just about any kind of black robe for your ritual. In fact, you can use the ones that you can buy from costume/Halloween stores. If for some reason you can't get a robe, simply wear all-black clothing.
If you can't obtain a Sigil of Baphomet wall plaque or can't be seen having one in your house or room, you can either use a medallion or you can print a picture of the Sigil of Baphomet and stick it up and tape it somewhere. Also, if you can't have your Sigil hanging on a west wall, put it up where it's convenient and pretend that the spot you placed your Sigil is the West direction.
And finally, you need something to burn your parchments in safely. Some Satanists make it so that the paper just combusts when lit. I like using cast-iron cauldrons to burn my parchment into, preferably something with a minimum diameter of 5 inches. Such as this one right here:
When it comes to remembering your lines for the ritual, you don't have to memorize them, either. People can either read them from The Satanic Bible, write them or type them on paper and have them in either a binder or book or have them saved on your Google Docs so you can read it from your phone or mobile device just like I do.
Also, you don't even need to set up your ritual chamber/altar exactly as Anton LaVey described it. The same member of the CoS that I described earlier also uses pink phallus-shaped candles in his ritual altar. Ultimately, you can do whatever you want with your altar. One thing I added to my Satanic rituals is playing Anton LaVey's Satanis theme at the start of the ritual before ringing the bell. This allows me to clear my mind and focus on the target of my ritual.
Satanis Theme
The whole point of this blog entry is to give people some ideas as to how to set up and have a basic Satanic ritual altar using the methods that I personally use.
Anyways, I hope this helps someone out there who needs it.
Hail Satan!
Gilmore, P. H. (2016). The Satanic Scriptures. Baltimore, MD: Underworld Amusements.
LaVey, A. S. (1969). The Satanic Bible. Avon Books.
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