Satanism is a Selfish Religion
I saw this on my Facebook timeline recently and I wanted to talk about this.
The mention of Ayn Rand caught my attention because Anton LaVey drew much influence from Ayn Rand. Rand’s philosophy was all about self-interest and looking out for number one (yourself).
We’re all familiar with the story of Satan’s fall. He didn’t want to be part of the herd. He didn’t want to conform and think just like everyone else which is why he was kicked out.
That’s what we Satanists model ourselves after, especially when it comes to religion, society, and looking out for ourselves.
People like the man (if I can even call him that) in my picture think that when it comes to society, we’re supposed to help and care about everyone one else and care about everything that’s going on in society, which is fine, but he thinks that that’s all your life is supposed to be about. He thinks being selfish and looking out for only yourself is evil.
I don’t like that kind of mentality. That involves me being part of the herd and all it’s gonna do is cause me to stress out about things I have no control over. I don’t want to be asked to choose to be miserable.
Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t help people, and neither did Anton LaVey. But to describe being self-interested as evil is balderdash and asinine.
In my personal life, I tend to not comment on and be invested in social issues in the country. I didn’t touch the Derek Chauvin story nor did I touch the Dr. Seuss or Pepe La Peu situation other than to say how people are being herd animals about it. But people expect me to care about these things and cause an uproar about it. Why? I’m focusing on living my own life to the fullest. Does that make me selfish? Yes, but what’s wrong with that? I’m not stressing about things and I’m doing something with myself and for myself.
I had 16 years of Christianity trying to dictate my life. I don’t need society trying to do the same to me. If I wanted society to do it to me, I’d go back to the Jehovah Hut with my mom instead.
Satanism is a selfish religion in the sense that we focus on our own lives because we are our own Gods that are not dictated by anyone’s morals or rules. That’s part of why I’m a Satanist. I’ve been alone for most of my life and that’s how it’s gonna be. Only people I’m going to care about are those I consider my friends and family. I’m selective about who and what I care about. And I’m only gonna worry about things I can control rather than be miserable about something I can’t control.
One other thing to remember about Satanism is that we don’t share the same definitions of good and evil like other people. What’s good is what makes you happy, and evil is what’s bad and harmful to YOU. You decide what your morals are as well as whats good and evil for you.
If you wanna help people, do it because YOU want to and because it’s your decision, but don’t force others to think like you and don’t criticize others for looking out for only themselves. You don’t owe anyone or society anything just because you think a certain way or because you happen to be more successful in life than others. You live your life and enjoy it how YOU want to. Nothing wrong with being selfish about how you live your life.
All I can say finally is that if the dude in the pic dislikes Ayn Rand, he’d really dislike The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Scriptures. That’s why they say that Satanism isn’t for everyone and I’m happy about that.
Hail Thyself!
Hail Satan!
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