Satanists Are Not Criminal Sex Fiends

Satanic Rule of the Earth Number 5: Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.”

-Anton Szandor LaVey (1967).

I want to start this blog by talking about an incident I witnessed on 3/25/21.

My girlfriend and I had just come out of a café and we were waiting for our Uber ride.  While we were waiting, this woman walks by us and she’s on the phone.  Then some man drives by her slowly trying to hit on her.  She showed no signs of interests towards him.  Then the man drives his car ahead to park into a gas station and then gets out of his car to sort of get in her space and hit on her again.  She keeps walking and crosses the street to get away to where he couldn’t drive into.  The man drove away when he knew he was defeated.

Oftentimes, people think Satanists are the ones prowling the streets to harass and assault innocent women for perverted and ritualistic purposes but you have Christians and regular folks doing what the man in my story did.  People don’t give Satanists enough credit for being the better person. We can give thanks to centuries of Christian propaganda for that.

You saw the Satanic Rule of the Earth that I wrote in the beginning of this blog.  It’s pretty simple: don’t pursue someone who has no interest in you whatsoever.  Otherwise, you infringe upon their sexual and personal freedom.  Anton LaVey confirms this in The Satanic Bible where he states that “If you attempt to impose your sexual desires upon others who do not welcome your advances, you are infringing upon their sexual freedom” (pg. 70).  We value our individual and sexual freedoms so why would we go out of our way to infringe on the personal freedoms of someone else?

Part of the last quote I just shared is what gave me my first exposure to The Satanic Bible.  Unlike the Christian philosophy, Satanists make it very clear on paper and otherwise that we are against infringing upon the individual and sexual freedoms of others, and we also make it clear that we are against the defilement of animals and small children.  Maybe the Christians and other backwards spiritual religions could take a hint from the Satanists.

Anyone who also harms women, children, and animals “in the name of Satan” is just a fake Satanist trying to practice voodoo witchcraft and other Christian propaganda, or they’re using Satan as an excuse to commit these acts.  People like this should be despised for misinterpreting and misusing Satanism.

Now, some of you probably know that there are prominent members in the Church of Satan who work in porn or write for some kind of sex industry, direct fetish porn, etc.  There’s some that even are pornographic actors, there’s some who have the most interesting fetishes, and that’s all good!  After all, Satanism condones any sexual activity as long as it only involves consenting adults.  No children, no animals, and no people that either can’t consent or don’t want to.  That’s the main thing to remember when it comes to anything sexual-related and Satanism.  Consenting adults only.

Hail Satan!



LaVey, A. S. (1969).  The Satanic Bible.  Avon Books.
