Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard - A Review
So I have just finished reading this book recently. The book took me about 13 days to read due to work and school and all. I just read the last 140-something pages within 24 hours.
When I started going through this book, I started with part of Magus Gilmore’s introduction to this book. He explained a lot of information about how Anton LaVey read this book and used a lot of parts of its content and structure to write The Satanic Bible. Much of the beginning of Might Is Right reads a lot like The Book of Satan in The Satanic Bible. In fact, LaVey had actually used several of Redbeard’s quotes in The Book of Satan. Many people would say that LaVey had plagiarized Might Is Right but Redbeard was also accused of the same thing. But it didn’t take away from the experience of reading this book.
Many reviews about this book that I read have mentioned that this book has a lot of anti-Semitic, sexist, and racist content in the book. Redbeard loved to take shots at Jews many times in this book. But this is a book that one has to read with an open mind and a mind that can ignore the parts of the book that weaken the power of the book. Even Magus Gilmore has said in the introduction that the racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic content took away from what this book was supposed to be about.
Bad parts of this book aside, there’s a lot of things in this book that helped influenced Anton LaVey and Satanism. Redbeard mercilessly mocked religionists, subjective morality, herd mentality of many kinds, and those that lacked individuality and misunderstood or are afraid of the way Nature works. Redbeard teaches readers that Nature can be a cruel bitch. Darwinism is also a huge theme in this book and it applies to how the human race works. You either can be conquered or you are the conquerer. All human morals are man-made and subjective and have no authority in Nature. The only ones who decide what is “right and wrong” are those with the power over everyone else. This is how it works in the animal kingdom. This applies to humans as well since we are also animals in this world.
The connections to Satanism are also evident in this book in terms of being an individual and deciding for yourself your own might and destiny in this world and you don’t let anyone else decide it for you lest you end up subservient to someone or as part of the herd.
I can see certain groups of people in this world who wouldn’t be able to get past the harsh parts of this book and who wouldn’t be able to handle the type of personal responsibility and domination of nature that Redbeard’s philosophy demands. That’s why Amazon made all traces of this book disappear and why critics are triggered by this book.
Overall, it takes a special kind of mind to absorb what is written in Might is Right. I’m glad that Anton LaVey was able to discover this book and use it to bring Satanism into this world. Any Satanist who hasn’t read this book should definitely do so. That’s if they can find a place to buy it first. I got mine from Satanme.com a while back. You can order it here:
Hail Satan!
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