No Such Thing as Satanic Animal/Child Sacrifices

Recently I saw an article posted by Newsweek on 5/11/21 that reminded me of the Satanic Panic from the 80’s.  The media technology is different today but the false narratives about Satanists are the same.

It irks me that even 40 years or so after the Satanic Panic was done with, people still believe in this theistic bullshit.

For 55 years, the Church of Satan has made it very clear that Satanists don’t sacrifice children and animals.  The Satanic Bible states this clearly and if people would take the time to understand our religion, they’d open their eyes.  Anton LaVey simply states in The Satanic Bible that “under no circumstances would a Satanist sacrifice any animal or baby” (pg. 89).  Clear as the sky is blue and this stance has been the same since the beginning.

The explanation for why we don’t sacrifice animals and babies is because they’re the only fellow animals that have not been tainted by corrupt religion and man-made sin.  They’re the natural magicians of the world.  Satanists see themselves as their own Gods, so it makes zero sense why we’d need to sacrifice a living being since we understand that anthropomorphic beings are all extensions of man’s ego.  LaVey confirms this a little further where he states that “...the Satanists holds these beings in a sacred regard, knowing he can learn much from these natural magicians of the world” (pg. 89).

So who are these pseudo Satanists that are doing these animal and child sacrifices?  Besides being morons, I personally see them as Christians who root for the bad guy.  Inverted Christians, basically.  They’re just people who were fed Christian propaganda by the Church.  It’s propaganda that’s been fed to people for centuries to scare them into staying in church.  Unfortunately their tactics not only failed, it caused people to get wrong ideas of Satanism and started getting them into doing this theistic crap.  It doesn’t help that this stereotypical stuff about Satanists are still shown in movies, metal music, video games, and other things of that nature.

A lot of people, mainly the Christians who are making these false narratives, don’t realize the irony when it comes to animal and child sacrifice: the Christians have done it first!  They seem to forget what a lot of the Old Testament of the Bible deals with: sacrificing of other living beings to please their man-made God.  The story of Cain and Abel is literally the first example of this and many other examples of sacrifice to their God Jehovah appear as you read the Christian Bible.  So basically, Christians accuse real Satanists of doing what people used to do in the Christian Bible.  Let’s also not forget that the other Abrahamic religions have this history as well yet no one bugs them when it comes to the topic of animal/children sacrifice.

Finally, there’s one more bit of proof as to why Satanists don’t harm animals.  Anton LaVey’s Satanic Rule of the Earth #10: “Do not kill non-human animals unless attacked or for your food.”

The first half of this is obvious.  If it comes to the point where an animal is attacking you and death is imminent, fight back and make sure death doesn’t come to you.  It’ll be unfortunate if it comes to the point where the animal may die but after all, it is self-defense.

As for the second half of this rule, there’s a few things to think about.  Recently on a Twitter thread, someone asked if this means that Satanists should be vegetarians since harming animals for food sounds like that’s what the rule is interpreted as.  Since Satanists are individuals, they’re free to choose what type of diet to have.  I do follow a Satanist on Instagram  who is a Vegan because it’s her choice and her beliefs and I totally respect that.  And if you choose to hunt animals for food, that’s ok as long as you’re only doing this for food and you’re not torturing the animal before killing it for your dinner.

So there you have it: Satanic sacrifice of animals and children is bullshit and anyone who does these things “in the name of Satan” is a moron.  These kinds of false stories need to stop because all they’re doing is damaging real Satanists and making other people into morons who wanna keep doing this theistic garbage.  Read The Satanic Bible and learn about us before thinking of posting garbage stories like the ones by Newsweek or before even thinking of engaging in illegal activity with animals and children.

Hail Satan!



LaVey, A. S. (1969).  The Satanic Bible.  Avon Books.
