Happy Pride Month 2021
June is Pride Month. On this month 6 years ago, the United States Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide. Ever since then, every June has been Pride Month.
Now, when it comes to Satanism and gay marriage, our stance should be obvious: we fully support it.
Basically, our philosophy is all about individual liberty and we generally support politics that help champion our individual freedoms. So if two adults of the same sex want to marry each other, let them be! It’s their choice to do so.
Out of many religions I’ve seen over my 30 years on this planet, Satanism is the first religion I’ve seen that actively accepts people of all sexual orientations. The Satanic Bible explains this stance where Anton LaVey states that “Satanism encourages any form of sexual expression you may desire, so long as it hurts no one else” (pg. 69).
The following quote is the one that I feel shows that Satanism supports gay marriage in The Satanic Bible. In this quote, LaVey states that “if all parties involved are mature adults who willingly take full responsibility for their actions and voluntarily engage in a given form of sexual expression—even if it is generally considered taboo—then there is no reason for them to repress their sexual inclinations” (pg. 69). Basically, two consenting adults should do whatever sexual activity and union they wish to partake in given that they don’t involve other beings that can’t consent, such as animals and minors.
And for a more up-to-date perspective on this issue, Magus Gilmore states in The Satanic Scriptures that “it naturally follows that Satanists would support weddings or civil unions between adult partners whether they be opposite or the same sex” (pg. 99). Easy way to show that this stance has not changed at all over the last several decades.
Many Christian churches have started to accept the LGBTQ community over the years and even helped unite them in marriage. However, as I explained, I feel that Satanism has a more earlier and stronger stance on the LGBTQ community and gay marriage. This is one of the other reasons why I am a Satanist. I’ve held this stance for many, many years since before I knew I was as a Satanist.
Happy Pride Month, everybody.
Hail Satan!
Gilmore, P. H. (2016). The Satanic Scriptures. Baltimore, MD: Underworld Amusements.
LaVey, A. S. (1969). The Satanic Bible. Avon Books.
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