Satanism is Freedom - To What Extent?
As many Satanists know, our religion symbolizes freedom. However, some people have some screwed-up ideas as to what this freedom means.
In the dictionary, hedonism is defined as “the pursuit of pleasure, sensual self-indulgence.” According to my recently acquired We Are Satanists, Satanism isn’t just uncontrolled hedonism.
The pursuit of pleasure shouldn’t be without lack of control or logic. Doing whatever the heck you want doesn’t mean that very thing in the literal sense. Obviously there are limits, especially within the context of the local laws that you have to follow.
For instance, you can’t just do things like rob a bank or smoke in places you’re not allowed to do such things at, as exemplified by this guy I saw at the train station I just left as of this time of writing. It doesn’t mean forcing your way into businesses without a mask on and acting like a Karen when someone calls you out on it.
There are a few main things to remember as a Satanist:
Indulgence not compulsion
Responsibility to the responsible.
When I think of Satanic freedom, I think of not having mainstream society and conventional religions trying to dictate my life and making me feel guilty for being human. However, we are still law-abiding people. If we went around and starting committing crimes for the sake of it, you have no purpose and you’re just a nuisance. We’re still responsible adults who just happen to be living the carnal rather than the spiritual.
When I think of freedom, I think of things like growing my hair long as a male, engaging in premarital sex with consenting adults, going to school to get educated despite my mom’s religion saying that universities are the “devil’s playground of sin.”
Basically, when it comes to Satanic freedom, have some common sense! You should know what I mean when it comes to this topic. If you don’t, I don’t know what to tell you other than it’s not hard to understand.
By the way, if you haven’t done so, pick up a copy of We Are Satanists: The History and Future of the Church of Satan by Blanche Barton. If you can, get yourself a signed copy. I’m 4 chapters in and it’s awesome! It’s on Amazon but show some support for Buy the book here.
Hail Satan!
Blanche, B. (2021). We Are Satanists: The History and Future of the Church of Satan. La Quinta, CA: Aperient Press.
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