A Pact With The Devil Helped Me Finish Grad School
Technically this happened this past April, but as of this third week of May, I have finished my graduate program and I now have my Master's Degree in Library and Information Science. By all intents and purposes and consideration by my librarian peers, I'm now considered a librarian.
I have Satanism to thank for this. Why? I'll try to explain this the best way I can.
As some of you may know, I grew up going to the Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall. This is a religious Christian organization that suppresses individual freedom and they expect you to dedicate your whole life to Jehovah, the Kingdom Hall, and to gathering more members for the Kingdom Hall until the day you die.
One of the topics of sermons that I would keep hearing over the years is about how one should basically avoid going to university because it was considered the "Devil's Playground of Sin" (well, they didn't use those exact words but that was basically the idea they were trying to convey). They were basically going on the stereotypes of university students getting drunk all the time, having constant pre-marital sex, and doing other things that make us human. I think the other thing that scared them was having one's mind opened up to the ways of the world and developing the ability to question everything and to think critically outside of religious means. But it was mostly the fun sinning they were afraid of.
One of the messages that I got out of those sermons was that you shouldn't want to get more out of your personal life with higher education and sinning. I felt like they were saying that you should just get whatever decent paying job you can obtain to have a comfortable enough home so that you can dedicate as much time as possible to the Kingdom Hall and its goals and for Jehovah.
Well, being the natural-born Satanist that I am, I decided that's not what I wanted for myself. I want more out of life for myself than just the bare minimum basics. I didn't want to give up my individuality, especially not for some boring-ass God.
I remember a while back reading in The Satanic Scriptures where Magus Gilmore states that "...anyone who excels in a material field has made a pact with Satan, as they have embraced the belief that success in the here and now is the greatest importance" (p. 196).
Apart from having a natural Satanic drive to choose a field that I wanted to be good at, I want to show the world that Satanists are creative and productive members of society. Being a rebel against the oppressive Christian cult that I grew up in was also a contributing factor to my success. I am the Satan in my local community who felt that I did not want the collective dictating how I wanted to live my life or preventing me from achieving personal success and happiness.
This is what I think Magus Gilmore means by making a pact with Satan. I don't necessarily mean solely getting a university/graduate degree. It certainly doesn’t mean giving up your soul for an anthropomorphic Devil. It means choosing a career path or just some kind of endeavor and skill to be good at and using it to achieve success in the real world. It means choosing your own path and happiness despite the collective herd trying to dictate your life with some imaginary deity's rules or by the herd's rules. This is what it means to be Satanic.
Shemhamforash! Hail Satan!
Gilmore, P. H. (2016). The Satanic Scriptures. Baltimore, MD: Underworld Amusements.
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