
Showing posts from April, 2021

55th Year Anniversary of the Church of Satan

55 years ago today, the Church of Satan was founded.  Anton LaVey started the world’s first carnal religion and started a church in the name of Satan, thus shocking the world and bringing opposition to spiritual dogma. The CoS has survived many things during these 5 and a half decades, like the Satanic Panic and the death of its founder.  But a lot of good things have happened throughout this time.  Individuals who felt they were outsiders in their society found a religion with people who thought just like them.  They have used Satanism to be the very best versions of themselves possible. People think that the CoS and its philosophy would die out after a matter of time and that it would dissipate.  But this religion continues to get stronger each and every day.  More Satanists will continue to come across The Satanic Bible  and discover who they’ve been their whole lives.  The people who have run the organization for decades continue to do what th...

Satanism is a Selfish Religion

I saw this on my Facebook timeline recently and I wanted to talk about this. The mention of Ayn Rand caught my attention because Anton LaVey drew much influence from Ayn Rand.  Rand’s philosophy was all about self-interest and looking out for number one (yourself). We’re all familiar with the story of Satan’s fall.  He didn’t want to be part of the herd.  He didn’t want to conform and think just like everyone else which is why he was kicked out. That’s what we Satanists model ourselves after, especially when it comes to religion, society, and looking out for ourselves. People like the man (if I can even call him that) in my picture think that when it comes to society, we’re supposed to help and care about everyone one else and care about everything that’s going on in society, which is fine, but he thinks that that’s all your life is supposed to be about.  He thinks being selfish and looking out for only yourself is evil. I don’t like that kind of mentality.  Tha...

Easy Ways To Set Up A Satanic Ritual Altar

  Like a lot of Satanists, I read up on the rituals in The Satanic Bible  and looked at videos of rituals done by other Satanists.  I saw that many Satanists had awesome ritual chambers and rooms dedicated to conducting rituals. But what happens if you can’t afford to build your own Satanic ritual chamber or if you’re in a situation where you can’t afford or hide certain kinds of large materials or lack a proper space for ritual?  Well, there are ways that you can still have a Satanic ritual. For those who can’t even get the materials or can’t seem to have the time or privacy to use materials for a Satanic ritual, no problem!  Magus Gilmore states that “ don’t really need any of the suggested implements, since the most important tool for ritual is your own imagination” (p. 227).  All you need to know are the lines and imagine that you are in a room with all the materials required for the ritual.  Kids play pretend and use their imaginations all t...

Satanists Are Not Criminal Sex Fiends

“ Satanic Rule of the Earth Number 5: Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.” -Anton Szandor LaVey (1967). I want to start this blog by talking about an incident I witnessed on 3/25/21. My girlfriend and I had just come out of a cafĂ© and we were waiting for our Uber ride.  While we were waiting, this woman walks by us and she’s on the phone.  Then some man drives by her slowly trying to hit on her.  She showed no signs of interests towards him.  Then the man drives his car ahead to park into a gas station and then gets out of his car to sort of get in her space and hit on her again.  She keeps walking and crosses the street to get away to where he couldn’t drive into.  The man drove away when he knew he was defeated. Oftentimes, people think Satanists are the ones prowling the streets to harass and assault innocent women for perverted and ritualistic purposes but you have Christians and regular folks doing what the man in my sto...

Do Satanists congregate like many religions do?

LaVeyan Satanists do not have actual Church buildings where people meet once or twice a week to congregate.  There used to be grottos back in the early days of the CoS but those disbanded quickly.  Having churches and places of meeting would be in contradiction to our individualistic philosophy and wouldn’t make us different than the herds and spiritual religions we oppose.  Also, because we are individuals, there are Satanists with various different outlooks on life.  Things can happen when you put those kind of people together in a building.  Individuals have different kind of opinions and other kinds of philosophies and sometimes there can be clashes.  Lots of Satanists go their whole lives without meeting another Satanist.  Some join the CoS but choose to remain alone in order to have success and peace in their personal endeavors. Some Satanists who do meet each other and become friends through mutual interests in Satanism and other activities do g...

Happy Birthday, Dr. LaVey

On this day 91 years ago, a man was born that would be destined to open the adamantine gates of hell.  This man opened our eyes to that which many of us have been since birth.  He brought Satanism from below and made it into what it truly is rather than the Christian propaganda that people have tried to make it out to be for centuries.  He gave us what we needed in our lives in The Satanic Bible .  It is because of him that we have realized our life identities and philosophies and used them to better ourselves as human beings and helped us see that we are also animals in this world.   He helped us see that we are individuals who were born a certain way rather than made.  He gave us the tools needed to reject the ways of spiritual religions.  Thanks to Dr. LaVey, we indulge rather than abstain.  He helped us see that we can be selective about who we love and who we hate.  He also gave us a philosophy of personal responsibility rather than blam...

Easter Sunday 4/4/21 - Fuck You, Jesus

“Behold the crucifix; what does it symbolize?  Pallid incompetence hanging on a tree.” -Anton Szandor LaVey, Book of Satan, Section II,  The Satanic Bible , 1969. This gonna be a short blog entry but I have some things to say on this particular holiday. I didn’t ask for some dude to get nailed to a tree to die for my sins.  We Satanists are sinners and we sin well since we do what is natural to us.  We’re indulging in the pleasures of life and we do what’s good for us. So basically, that incompetent bastard died for nothing.  Your God is a non-existent asshole.  This is a regular Sunday for us. But just to piss the Christians off, today I’ll wear my Pentagram and say “Fuck you, Jesus!  Hail Satan!” Rather than going to church and doing some silly Christian ritual, I’ll be living life to the fullest today just like I do every day. Hail Satan! -Manny